Are We Happy or Just Constantly Distracted?

Alvin Chris Daniel
3 min readJun 23, 2020


Sitting on my sofa, staring endlessly into the wall. I find myself thinking about all the thoughts that I had put on hold throughout the day due to constant distractions. I take a sip of my coffee wondering, how my whole day felt completely fine until these thoughts had somehow crept into my mind. And this somehow popped a question in my head ‘ Am I happy or just constantly distracted?’.

In a world filled with things that keep our mind stimulated and occupied. We spend most of the day distracted. Which in turn brings in a lot of anxiety in the little part where our mind is left free, just to wander about with its thoughts. Things that may or may not need immediate attention. We constantly find ourselves worrying about every little thing that runs in our minds.

I take another sip of coffee as I try to figure out an immediate solution in my head which may or may not work. Set my cup down and I trick my mind into believing that it is enough to get me through the problem in my head. Third sip and I’m anxious about 5 different things that are not closely as important as the first one. But I still try to do the same for the rest.

It is natural to be feeling all of this and almost everyone does worry constantly about a lot of things that are quite unnecessary. But being self-aware and reminding yourself that some of your thoughts or worry might not need immediate action can save you a lot of time and maybe even keep you a tad bit happier.

“There are more things… likely to frighten us than there are to crush us; we suffer more often in imagination than in reality.” — Seneca

One at a time.

I’ve never been great at multitasking. But for the most part, I try thinking of various things I could’ve done or should be doing. There is always going to be something better to do or another problem that needs solving. I’m not here to say it is okay to sit around and not do stuff but instead, take a moment to think what needs to be done first. Take time to pick your problem and then get started with it, and that alone — one at a time.

“Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its trouble.” — Mathew 6:34

What next?

“Confine Yourself To The Present” — Marcus Aurelius

So there is always going to be something to worry about and to complete. And we take it one at a time for more stuff to keep piling up, so what next? One thing that this pandemic situation has made us all feel is this. What is the point at the end of all this? I see people all around worrying about not being productive and people who are being productive, feel like they have done it all for no reason at all. This brings us back to the question of ‘what next?’

In my opinion, this is what keeps us constantly unsatisfied — the feeling of ‘what next?’. Be aware of this moment, practice not letting your mind wander, and always be satisfied with what you’ve done for the day. Because no matter what you achieve, not unless you’re happy with what you’ve done, you’ll never be happy with the question of ‘what next?’ sitting right next to you. Life isn’t happening in the future. It is happening now. So… Be here now.

(Maybe you’ll enjoy that cup of coffee a little better than I did.)



Alvin Chris Daniel
Alvin Chris Daniel

Written by Alvin Chris Daniel

Writing on anything I feel and everything I practice. Mindset | Fitness | Lifestyle

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