Same Shit, Different Day

A reminder to enjoy the little things during this unpredictable year

Alvin Chris Daniel
2 min readJul 4, 2020

March 14, 2020 — Remember freaking out over an announcement of lockdown due to corona? Thinking it was going to last for a WEEK! Counting down the 7 days in hopes of finally being able to go out? Yeah. Apparently, we are over 100 days in and I’m tired of doing the same thing day in and day out.

At first, it was not that bad really. Being able to eat and sleep whenever I wished to. Watch stuff and play games all day. Not that bad after all. The world was busy fighting corona and here I was having the time of my life! When people were busy stocking up on toilet papers, I stocked up on Oreo. But as time passed by, it all started becoming a routine that I got super tired of. Same stuff over and again, and I needed a change. But what possibly can I change inside four walls. And the bad part was, outside being even worse.

2020 has been unpredictable. From earthquakes to gas leaks to police killing people and coronavirus to top that all. Switching on the television or just scrolling through your Instagram is going to bring up all the things you do not want to see. I just hated it and I needed a change.

This is when I started noticing how I felt good while doing certain things. I started paying more attention to it and I was slowly adapting to living better inside the four walls. Not by doing a lot of different and entertaining things. But by simply noticing the little details that make it better. Scrolling back my gallery, I’m happy with all the little things that I’ve done ever since. The terrace became my most favorite place to chill. Who would’ve thought I’ll find myself sitting in the balcony when it rains. Enjoying tiny little things that I would normally not consider or take time to enjoy. Slowly I found myself seeing similar patterns in doing different things. Instead of taking the longer route in my car to finish the song, I took a few extra minutes in the shower with the music on.

What I’m trying to say is, through all this chaos, I started noticing tiny things that made a difference in the way I felt, little by little. And little by little made it a whole lot better to live inside the same four walls.

Same shit, different day… but the little things made the difference.



Alvin Chris Daniel
Alvin Chris Daniel

Written by Alvin Chris Daniel

Writing on anything I feel and everything I practice. Mindset | Fitness | Lifestyle

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